Ribo-seq data analysis
2022 Open Call project, total developer time: 2 months
Contact person: Dr. Etienne Boileau, UniversitätsKlinikum, Heidelberg University
The group have developed a cutting-edge Ribo-seq analysis tool rp-bp (and associated utility code pbiotools). The goal of this project is to work together with the applicant to enhance the quality, portability and maintainability of the code, as well as add new features.
- Refactored dependencies on outdated libraries
- Added a test suite
- Added continuous integration
- Tests the code on linux and macos for different Python versions using GitHub actions
- Provides code coverage reports and automatically formats pull requests
- Deploys new release to PyPI
- Builds and deploys the documentation
- Packaged rp-bp and pbiotools on PyPI and bioconda
- Easy installation for users using conda
- Also provides pre-built Docker containers
- Assisted interactive dashboard development